Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Vaccine

The High Risk Pregnancy Center of Kansas City is dedicated to providing patients with the most up-to-date, medical peer-reviewed information about the COVID-19 vaccine for patients that are pregnant or have recently delivered and are nursing.


The following information is derived from the Society of Maternal-Fetal Medicine (SMFM/ high risk pregnancy experts), the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The full document can be found at the SMFM website that was updated on 7/30/2021.In summary these organizations, which are dedicated to providing the best care for pregnant patients and their unborn children, “recommend(s) that pregnant and lactating people be vaccinated against COVID-19.” The document is directed towards health care providers and has medical information/ wording.


Dr. Lu fully supports the updated recommendation from the SMFM, ACOG, and the CDC. He is advising all of the patients he sees in the office to be vaccinated against COVID-19 during pregnancy. Should you have additional questions or concerns that cannot be addressed by your provider, a consultation with Dr. Lu can be scheduled.


The High Risk Pregnancy Center does not carry the COVID-19 vaccine and does not carry a list of where patients can receive the vaccine. Please check with your employer, local pharmacy or county health department regarding the availability of the vaccine or for scheduling to receive the vaccine.

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